Inner Tube 10X2.5 Inch Valve 0X90 Degrees Kugoo G booster
Description Keeping tires sufficiently inflated at all times can be difficult when the equipment available is of poor quality . It is precisely to respond to this...
Keeping tires sufficiently inflated at all times can be difficult when the equipment available is of poor quality .
It is precisely to respond to this type of problem that serious suppliers of spare parts for scooters electric such as Lifty Electrics make it a point of honor to zealously select the equipment they make available to you.
To avoid any inconvenience on the road, why not choose a spare that won't give you any unpleasant surprises?
Like every product offered by Lifty Electrics, this 10X2.5 0X90 inch valve inner Kugoo G booster will delight you with its characteristics, much more appreciable than those of an original part.
Kugoo inner tube: when Hota puts the rubber on
If Kugoo is known for one thing, it's the practicality of its scooters electric . Designed in fact to adapt, from one model to another, to very different specifications, the "e" scooters of this brand have varied profiles, ranging from the classic flatbed machine to the saddle vehicle. borrowing from the aesthetics of the bicycle .
Some products signed by this manufacturer even stand out clearly from the crowd by becoming ultra-foldable machines, whose driving comfort is matched by storage comfort since they take up relatively little space.
The disadvantage of such a range is that it can be difficult to compose spare parts capable of satisfying them all.
specialist tire such as Hota to take the fold of diversity by putting his know-how at service of the creation of articles of various sizes, including this 10-inch inner tube by 2.5 compatible with the Kugoo G Booster.
element wheel will perfectly replace your worn part to give you back the sensations you may have felt in your beginnings.
valve angled oriented at 90 degrees , this inner tube will greatly facilitate your task when you need to inflate it.
More resistant than the model integrated into the Kugoo in the factory, this spare part will limit the frequency of your punctures.
Finally, its many quite affordable price will not go unnoticed by customers .
Pourquoi choisir Lifty Electrics ?
Choisir Lifty Electrics, c’est faire le choix d’un prestataire qui ne laisse rien au hasard lorsqu’il s’agit de composer une expérience client.
Choisir Lifty Electrics, c’est comprendre qu’au-delà de l’achat de pièces détachées pour sa trottinette électrique se posent une myriade de problèmes, dont deux au moins sont récurrents :
- Comment s’assurer que la pose du matériel acheté est réalisée comme il se doit ?
- Vers qui se tourner lorsque l’on ne dispose pas des compétences ou des outils (voire des deux) pour y parvenir ?
Choisir Lifty Electrics, c’est donc anticiper les difficultés logistiques et fonctionnelles qui vous attendent, en profitant d’un réseau de garages partenaires dont la qualité est vérifiée par notre équipe et d’un service de livraison sur mesure.
Pourquoi sur mesure ? Tout simplement parce que nous vous offrons le choix en vous proposant de vous livrer vos commandes à domicile ou directement dans le garage qui aura votre préférence.
Notre service client, dont la qualité unique en France fait l’objet d’une amélioration constante, s’assure par ailleurs en aval du bon déroulement de l’expédition.
Alors pourquoi ne pas faire un choix qui a du sens pour vous profiter d’une installation sans accroc de votre chambre à air et autres pièces détachées : pourquoi ne pas choisir la qualité Lifty Electrics ?
Further Information
Weight | 0,11 kg |
Marque |
Xuancheng |
Trottinette |
Marques modèles compatibles | |
Chambre à air en pouce |
10 Pouces |
Type de valve |
Valve 90° |
EAN13 |
3770018713267 |

Delivery Times
Delivery time is 3-5 working days from shipment of the package.
For scooters and motorcycles, administrative procedures may extend the delivery time.
Delivery Costs Based on Order Value (Ireland):
Orders from €0 to €21 → €14.99
Orders from €21 to €49 → €19.99
Orders from €49 to €190 → €29.99
Orders from €190 to €3,000 → €39.99
Orders from €3,000 to €5,000 → Free Delivery
Delivery Costs Based on Order Value & Estimated Delivery Time
- Delivery Time: 5 - 7 working days from the shipment date.
- For scooters and motorcycles: Administrative procedures may extend the delivery time.
Delivery in Europe:
- Orders from €0 to €21 → €19.99
- Orders from €21 to €49 → €29.99
- Orders from €49 to €190 → €39.99
- Orders from €190 to €500 → €49.99
- Orders from €500 to €1000 → €69.99
- Orders from €1000 to €2000 → €79.99
- Orders from €2000 to €4000 → €99.99
- Orders from €4000 to €6000 → €149.99
Delivery Costs & Estimated Delivery Time
Delivery Time: 10 - 14 working days from the shipment date.
For scooters and motorcycles: Administrative procedures may extend the delivery time.
Delivery in the UK:
Orders from £0 to £21 → £39.99
Orders from £21 to £49 → £49.99
Orders from £49 to £190 → £99.99
Orders from £190 to £3,000 → £159.99
Orders from £3,000 to £4,000 → £199.99
Orders from £4,000 to £5,000 → £299.99
Delivery in the USA:
Orders from $0 to $21 → $49.99
Orders from $21 to $49 → $79.99
Orders from $49 to $190 → $99.99
Orders from $190 to $3,000 → $399.99
Orders from $3,000 to $4,000 → $499.99
Orders from $4,000 to $5,000 → $599.99
For international inquiries, please reach out to us for further details.